Version: 3

Configuring Gravity PDF - Get Up and Running Fast!

You’ve initialised the plugin. ‘Now what,’ we hear you ask. Well, in general, there are five different configurations users want to set their website up with. We’ve put a five-part video series together which shows you exactly how to do it.

  1. The Basics of Configuration Gravity PDF
  2. Send Completed PDF via Email
  3. User Downloads PDF after Submitting Form
  4. Manually Review User Submission before Emailing PDF
  5. Send PDF after Capturing Payment using PayPal Standard

Keep in mind, everything we show you in the video series can be used concurrently. That is to say, you can set up the system to send an email to the user and have a download link to the PDF on your website.

If you know little about PHP we recommend starting with Part 1:The Basics and then watching the tutorial you’re interested in. It will give you the foundational skills you need to configure the software.

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