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Version: 5

Managing PDFs – Add, Edit, Deactivate, Duplicate and Delete

A look at a form's PDF list

When you begin taking advantage of conditional logic, or install a premium or custom template, one PDF per form just isn't enough. That's why we've built an AJAXified PDF list to help you activate / deactivate, duplicate and delete your PDFs – all without a page reload. You can also add new PDFs or edit existing ones (it's not AJAX-powered though). The user interface is similar to the confirmation and notification lists so you should feel right at home.

To access the Managing PDFs page see Locating Your PDF Settings.

List Columns

The list column names

The PDF list contains four columns which provide an overview of the PDFs currently configured for your Gravity Form. These include:


  • This column displays the internal PDF name. It also functions as the "actions" column. By hovering over the row the Edit, Duplicate and Delete actions will appear in this column.

Download Shortcode

  • This column displays a sample shortcode that generates a download link for the PDF. Use it in the Gravity Form confirmations or notifications. See our shortcode documentation for more details about the [gravitypdf] shortcode.


  • The selected PDF template will be displayed in this column. Along with the name, the template's group will also be displayed. For instance, any template that ships with the software is apart of the Core group. This is useful when you start creating custom PDF templates.
  • PDF templates may also require a specific version of Gravity PDF. If the version requirements aren't met a notice will be displayed in this column.


  • If you've configured the PDF to attach to any of the form's notifications a list of those notifications will show in this column.


There are five main actions available to you when managing your PDFs. They are:

  1. Add
  2. Edit
  3. Activate / Deactivate
  4. Duplicate
  5. Delete

The Edit, Duplicate and Delete actions will appear in the Name column while hovering over the row.


New PDFs can be added by clicking the Add New button, which is located to the right of the Gravity PDF page heading. See our Setup PDF documentation for more details on adding new PDFs.


Click a PDFs Edit action to modify an existing PDF configuration. See our Setup PDF documentation for more in-depth details on what each PDF setting does.

Activate / Deactivate PDFs

Active and deactivated toggles

PDFs can be completely disabled by using the activate/deactivate toggle – located to the left of the Name column. Once a PDF has been deactivated, users and administrators will no longer be able to access the document. The PDF will not be attached to email notifications, and its shortcode won't generate a link.


The UI shown when duplicating PDFs

You can duplicate an existing PDF configuration by clicking the Duplicate action. This action will happen in the background without the page reloading and once done, you'll see a copy of the PDF added to the list.


The warning shown when deleting PDFs

You can delete an existing PDF configuration by clicking the Delete action. A warning box will pop up asking you to confirm before a PDF is deleted. This action will happen in the background without the page reloading.