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Version: v6

PDF for GravityView API – create_single_entry_pdf()


This method generates a temporary Single Entry View PDF and either saves it to disk (returning the absolute path to the file), or it will stream to the current user's browser.


When using this method with the "save" output type, the PDF will be cached in the temporary directory for up to 12 hours. To prevent this behaviour you should delete the PDF from the temporary location when you've finished with it.


You can only use this method after the WordPress init hook has run.


This method was introduced in PDF for GravityView 0.8.


$view_id | integer

  • The GravityView ID (aka Post ID) for the View

$entry_id | string | integer

  • A Gravity Forms entry ID valid for the current View. It's only valid if the entry is linked to the same form used by the View.
  • GravityView's Multiple Forms Extension is supported, provided you pass a comma-separated string of valid entry IDs. Be aware this extension uses very specific logic for joining forms together, and you cannot just pass in any old set of IDs. It has to be the same set of IDs used in the View.

$output_type | string

  • Valid values include: download display save
  • Defaults to save


string | WP_Error

  • The full path to the generated PDF on success, or WP_Error on failure
  • If $output_type is set to download or display the PDF will be streamed to the current user's browser, and the current PHP execution will exit.


The following snippet shows you how to save a Single Layout View PDF to disk:

add_action( 'wp', function() {
if ( ! class_exists( '\PDFGV_API' ) ) {
// handle the error

$view_id = 120;
$entry_id = 20;

$temporary_pdf_path = \PDFGV_API::create_single_entry_pdf( $view_id, $entry_id );
if ( is_wp_error( $temporary_pdf_path ) ) {
// handle the error

// do something with the PDF

// clean up
unlink( $temporary_pdf_path );
} );

You can pass the third parameter to stream the PDF to the current user:

add_action( 'wp', function() {
if ( ! class_exists( '\PDFGV_API' ) ) {
// handle the error

if ( headers_sent() ) {
// handle the error

$view_id = 120;
$entry_id = 20;

$maybe_error = \PDFGV_API::create_single_entry_pdf( $view_id, $entry_id, 'view' );
if ( is_wp_error( $maybe_error ) ) {
// handle the error
} );

If you have GravityView's Multiple Forms extension enabled and configured on your View, you can generate a PDF that contains data from multiple valid entries by passing a comma-separated string of entry IDs.

add_action( 'wp', function() {
if ( ! class_exists( '\PDFGV_API' ) ) {
// handle the error

$view_id = 1025;
$entry_id = '20,32,52';

$temporary_pdf_path = \PDFGV_API::create_single_entry_pdf( $view_id, $entry_id );
if ( is_wp_error( $temporary_pdf_path ) ) {
// handle the error

// do something with the PDF

// clean up
unlink( $temporary_pdf_path );
} );

Source Code

This method is located in api.php of the PDF for GravityView extension.