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By default custom fonts are stored in the fonts folder inside the PDF working directory. This filter allows you to change that location.

Unlike the PDF working directory, the fonts folder does not need to be in a public directory.

Note: your web server needs write access to the folder you move this directory to.


$path | string : The path to the custom fonts folder.

$working_folder | string : The working directory folder name. By default this is PDF_EXTENDED_TEMPLATES.

$upload_path | string : The path to your uploads directory (where the PDF working directory is stored by default).


The following snippet shows you how you can move the PDF fonts directory to a private folder that's not accessible through a browser:

add_filter( 'gfpdf_font_location', function( $path, $working_folder, $upload_url ) {
* On a standard WordPress installation the ABSPATH directory refers to the top-level directory on your web server
* where WordPress is located. When that's the case, going up a directory and creating the fonts folder usually means it becomes private.
* Depending on your web server setup you may need to modify this path to ensure it's not accessible through your browser.
* Make sure you include the forward slash on the end!
return ABSPATH . '../GravityPDF/fonts/';

}, 10, 3 );

Once you've verified the filter works correctly you should manually remove the old directory.

Source Code

This filter is located in the Model_Install::setup_template_location() method of /src/model/Model_Install.php.