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When Gravity Forms is in No-Conflict mode, along with enqueuing CSS using wp_enqueue_style() you also need to specifically register styles so they are loaded on Gravity Forms pages.

We've ensured any enqueued styles with a handle beginning with gfpdf_css are automatically registered, but you may need to register other WordPress styles. This filter allows you to easily register a WordPress CSS handler so it's included on No Conflict Gravity Form pages.


$items | array : The list of CSS handler currently being registered with Gravity Form's No-Conflict mode. : By default any CSS handler beginning with gfpdf_css, and already enqueued, are registered on Gravity Forms pages. The following WordPress styles are also registered on Gravity PDF pages:

$default_styles = array(


This example will register a core WordPress CSS file with Gravity Forms No-Conflict mode.

add_filter( 'gfpdf_gf_noconflict_styles', function( $items ) {

* Register the WP Color Picker styles with
* Gravity Forms No-Conflict Mode.
* Note: You still need to call wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
$items[] = 'wp-color-picker';

return $items;
} );

Source Code

This filter is located in the Router::auto_noconflict_styles() method of /src/bootstrap.php.