Gravity Flow Support
The third party Gravity Flow plugin is a powerful workflow management system which includes basic Gravity PDF integration for its Approval, User Input and Notification workflow steps. For full details on setting up Workflows in Gravity Flow please refer to their documentation.
Approval Workflow
When setting up the Approval Workflow you'll be able to attach a PDF to the Assignee Email, Rejection Email and Approval Email notifications. To do this check the Attach PDF checkbox and select a PDF you want included. Be aware that Gravity PDF Conditional Logic is not supported and the PDF you setup will always be attached to the email.
User Input Workflow
When setting up the User Input Workflow you can attach a PDF to the email notification. Like in the Approval Workflow, click the Attach PDF checkbox and select a PDF you want included. Gravity PDF Conditional Logic is also not supported in this Workflow.
Notification Workflow
As this Workflow actually sends the standard Gravity Forms notification, Gravity PDF is fully supported – including Gravity PDF Conditional Logic. All you have to do is configure Gravity PDF to attach PDF(s) to notifications and select the notification(s) you want to send in the Workflow.