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Version: 5

Adjust Size of Header / Footer Images

Gravity PDF automatically restricts the height of images in headers/footers to prevent them taking up a large portion of a page. You can override this behaviour by including the style attribute in your img HTML markup.

  1. Go to PDF Settings, choose the PDF template you want to edit, and click the Template Tab Go to PDF Settings

  2. Scroll down to the header settings, and click the rich Text Editor Click Rich Text Editor

  3. Add style="max-height: 400px" to the code Add style code

It should look like this in your editor:

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-12 aligncenter" src="http://testsite.local/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Group82InternshipProgramHeaderBanner.png" alt="" width="1030" height="250" style="max-height: 400px" />

You can adjust 400px to the size you need.

Before: Before header

After: After header