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Version: 5

Gravity PDF API – get_log_class()


Gravity PDF implements the PSR-3 logging library, Monolog, to handle all it's logging requirements. When in production the logger doesn't save any logs unless it's enabled through Gravity Forms in-built logging setting, or when using the Gravity Forms Logging Add-on. Once you've enabled logging, we'll save the appropriate logs to disk for later review – errors and higher or notices and higher, depending on the log setting you selected.

When using the logging class all logs will automatically include the following details:

  • Function/method being called
  • Class called from (if applicable)
  • URL
  • Peak memory usage
  • File and line number called from
  • User IP
  • Timestamp


This method was introduced in Gravity PDF 4.0.


\Monolog\Logger | object

  • The logging class


The following snippet shows you how to use this method and write to our log file:

add_action( 'init', function() {
if ( class_exists( 'GPDFAPI' ) ) {
/* Get Gravity PDF logging class */
$logs = GPDFAPI::get_log_class();

/* Write logs to file */
$logs->addNotice( 'My plugin started operation X' );
$logs->addWarning( 'Nonce Check Failed' );
$logs->addError( 'Invalid ID number' );
$logs->addCritical( 'Security issue: lack of User Capabilities' );
$logs->addAlert( 'Plugin compatibility issue' );
$logs->addEmergency( 'Plugin exploded' );

/* You can also pass additional properties to the log by included a second argument as an array */
$logs->addError( 'Invalid ID number', array(
'form_id' => '5', /* This would usually be a variable */
) );
} );

Source Code

This method is located in api.php.