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Version: 5

Gravity PDF API – get_notice_class()


If you extend Gravity PDF, this methods allows you to easily display a message or error to the user in the WP Admin area. When using this class, you'll need to trigger the message/error before the admin_notices or network_admin_notices WordPress hooks.


This method was introduced in Gravity PDF 4.0.


\GFPDF\Helper\Helper_Notices | object

  • The notices class


The following snippet shows you the usage of our notice class in a basic admin action your plugin might implement:

add_action( 'admin_init', function() {
if ( class_exists( 'GPDFAPI' ) ) {
/* Get Gravity PDF notice class */
$notice = GPDFAPI::get_notice_class();

/* Listen for one of your plugin's actions and verify the current user can perform it */
if ( isset( $_POST['prefix_plugin_action'] ) ) {

/* Verify the current user has the correct capabilities to run the action */
if ( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) {
$notice->add_error( __( 'Access denied', 'prefix-text-domain' ) );

/* Check the nonce to prevent XSS attacks */
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['prefix_plugin_action'], 'prefix_plugin_action' ) ) {
$notice->add_error( __( 'There was a problem processing the action.', 'prefix-text-domain' ) );

/* User passed all authentication checks, so lets process the action */

/* Action was successful so lets tell the user */
$notice->add_notice( __( 'Action successful.', 'prefix-text-domain' ) );

} );

Source Code

This method is located in api.php, and the notice class can be found in src/helper/Helper_Notices.php