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Version: 5



This action is run right after Gravity PDF has fully loaded (which happens on the after_setup_theme hook after all the plugin checks have passed). If you want to create a plugin to enhance Gravity PDF, we recommend using this action to initialise.


$gfpdf | object

  • The initialised \GFPDF\Router class which holds all our helper classes (like $options, $data, $misc ect).


The snippet below shows you how to use this filter to initialise your plugin. The code assumes you've created and included a class called Prefix_Custom_Gravity_PDF_Plugin, which has an init method. You'll want to change this to suit your plugin's structure.

add_action( 'gfpdf_fully_loaded', 'prefix_intialise_custom_plugin' );

* We haven't used a closure like in all the other examples because your plugin could initially be run on PHP 5.2.
* However, the `gfpdf_fully_loaded` action doesn't fire if the Gravity PDF minimum requirements are not met
* so if you create your Prefix_Custom_Gravity_PDF_Plugin class in a separate file and include it during this hook (or use an autoloader) you can happily
* use PHP 5.4 code without causing any problems.
function prefix_intialise_custom_plugin( $gfpdf ) {
/* Initialise your plugin here */
require_once( __DIR__ . '/Prefix_Custom_Gravity_PDF_Plugin.php' );
$prefix_custom_plugin = new Prefix_Custom_Gravity_PDF_Plugin();

Source Code

This action is located in the Router::init() method of /src/bootstrap.php.