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Version: v6

PDF Download Link / URL

Before you get started...

There are a number of security protocols in place to prevent unauthorised access to PDF documents. Before using the PDF shortcode or merge tag it's highly recommended you review the documentation detailing PDF security so that your users don't get an access denied error when attempting to view or download the PDFs.

For the best balance between security and access, it is recommended to enable signed PDF URLs so that anyone with access to the link can view the document for a specific time period (which you define).

What are Signed PDF URLs?

They are special auto-expiring URLs that allow anyone with the link to view the PDF. They are useful if you want to share the URL via email to a third party, don't want to store IP addresses with entries, or would like to display the link on a page restricted to specific user role(s). Both Shortcode and Merge Tag options support signed URLs, but the feature has to be enabled (see below). Find out more about the PDF security and how Signed PDF URLs fit in the picture.

Shortcode or Merge Tag?

You can dynamically display a link or URL to a Gravity Forms entry PDF using one of two options:

  1. Shortcode (recommended)
  2. Merge Tag

We recommend using the Shortcode method when possible because it not only generates the correct URL to the PDF, but it automatically wraps it up in an anchor tag so that it becomes a clickable link. The merge tag has its uses though, especially when you want to include the PDF URL in a HTML attribute (WordPress' security doesn't allow shortcodes to be processed when in HTML attributes).


The PDF Link/URL can only be generated once the entry has been created and saved in Gravity Forms. This is because you need a valid entry ID to generate it.


You can easily add a PDF download link to Gravity Forms Confirmations and/or Notifications with the [gravitypdf] shortcode. Using the optional Entry Attribute you can include the shortcode on any WordPress page (good for Page Confirmations). If you only need the raw PDF URL, you can add the raw shortcode attribute or use the PDF Merge Tag instead.

Using the Shortcode

A "Download PDF" column on the PDF list

A Download Shortcode column can be found on the PDF form list page, which includes each PDF's shortcode. Just copy and paste the shortcode sample to your confirmation or notification and click save. The default behaviour is to generate a download link to the PDF with the text Download PDF. Simple!

Confirmation Types

Confirmations are what's shown to the user after they complete a form. They come in three flavours:

  1. Text Confirmations
  2. Page Confirmations
  3. Redirect Confirmations

If you enjoy video tutorials, watch this 14-minute video with Gravity PDF's lead developer as he takes you through using the [gravitypdf] shortcode with all three confirmation types.

Text Confirmation

The [gravitypdf] shortcode in the Gravity Forms text confirmation

The text confirmation is the simplest Gravity Forms confirmation type and allows you to add a message using the WordPress classic editor, which is then shown to the user right after submission. Copy and paste the Gravity PDF shortcode found on the PDF form list and save the confirmation.

Submit a test entry and verify the PDF link is displayed correct, and you can view the document when selected.

Page Confirmation

The [gravitypdf] shortcode in the Gravity Forms page confirmation

The page confirmation allows you to redirect users to an existing WordPress page. First, copy the Gravity PDF shortcode found on the PDF form list and place it on the WordPress page you're sending the users to. Once done, go back to your page confirmation configuration and enable the Pass Field Data Via Query String option. Add entry={entry_id} to the field that appears and click save.

Submit a test entry and verify the PDF link is displayed correct, and you can view the document when selected.


For security reasons the Signed PDF URL feature is disabled for this confirmation type (as of v6.9.1). Signed URLs can be used with Text or Redirect Confirmation types, in Notifications, or when the entry ID is passed as a shortcode attribute.

Redirect Confirmation

The [gravitypdf] shortcode in the Gravity Forms redirect confirmation

The redirect confirmation allows you to send the user to another location upon completing their form. If you choose, you can redirect the user straight to a PDF. To get it functioning you need to copy and paste the Gravity PDF shortcode found on the PDF form list and then save.

Submit a test entry and verify the PDF link is displayed correct, and you can view the document when selected.


When using PDF Redirect Confirmations, you can significantly improve the user experience by using the Gravity PDF Enhanced Download extension.


If using the PDF URL feature with the redirect method, the Pass Field Data Via Query String option will be ignored.

Usage in Notifications

Adding the shortcode to notifications

Gravity Forms Notifications are automated emails sent after the form is submitted. If you would prefer not sending the PDF as an email attachment (usually for security reasons), you can use the [gravitypdf] shortcode to include a link to the PDF. Because of the default security protocols, this method is very effective when the recipient has a WordPress user account. If users aren't logged in when completing the form, or you want to email a link to the document to a third party, use the signed PDF URL feature.

Building the Shortcode

While we provide a quick and easy way to get a particular PDF's [gravitypdf] shortcode, it's also useful to know what each attribute does, and how it affects the display of the PDF download link that gets generated.


The [gravitypdf] shortcode is customisable and there are a number of attributes which can be used to change the default behaviour.

ID (required)
  • The ID attribute is required and refers to the ID assigned to a particular form's PDF. The easiest way to get the ID is to use the sample shortcode on the PDF form list, as it includes the PDF ID already. However you can find a PDF's ID in the URL when updating the PDF settings. This is denoted by the pid parameter.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945"]
Name (optional)
  • This attribute doesn't affect the shortcode in any way, but does allow you to quickly determine which PDF it references.
  • Example: [gravitypdf name="Proposal" id="560f2ef799945"]
Text (optional)
  • This attribute allows you to change the generated link's text which the end-user will see.
  • If the text attribute isn't present, it will default to Download PDF.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" text="Save PDF"]
Type (optional)
  • The type attribute has two valid parameters: download and view. When the download option is set, and a user clicks the PDF link, a save dialog box will open or the file will be automatically saved to the user's computer (depending on browser settings). When the view option is set, the PDF will be rendered in the web browser.
  • If the type attribute isn't present, it will default to download.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" type="view"] or [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" type="view" text="View PDF"]
Signed (optional)
  • The signed attribute tells Gravity PDF to generate a secure PDF URL that auto-expires after a set period. Anyone with access to the signed link can view the PDF (regardless of their user privileges, if any), provided the link hasn't expired.
  • Signed PDF URLs is an alternative authentication method to the default IP-based authentication. It functions correctly even if you've disabled IP addresses using Gravity Forms Personal Data feature.
  • For security reasons this feature is disabled for Page Confirmations. It can be used with Text or Redirect Confirmation types, in Notifications, or when the entry ID is passed as a shortcode attribute.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" signed="1"]
Expires (optional)
  • The expires attribute works in conjunction with the signed attribute and it changes the default signed URL timeout period.
  • If the attribute isn't included, the signed URL will fallback to the global Logged Out Timeout setting (20-minutes by default).
  • Valid expires formats can be found in the PHP documentation.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" signed="1" expires="5 minutes"]
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" signed="1" expires="7 days"]
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" signed="1" expires="2 weeks"]
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" signed="1" expires="1 month"]
Class (optional)
  • The class attribute allows you to set a specific class on the generated PDF anchor tag (<a></a>). This is useful when you want to style the link a certain way.
  • If the class attribute isn't present it will default to gravitypdf-download-link.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" class="my-custom-button-class"] or [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" class="my-custom-button-class a-second-class"]
  • The print attribute will automatically open a print dialog box when the PDF is opened.
  • Support for this functionality is very much PDF viewer dependant. Adobe Reader / Adobe Acrobat natively supports this functionality by default (but it can be disabled by the user). Firefox's PDF viewer will also open the print dialog automatically, but Safari, Edge, and Chrome PDF viewers do not.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" print="1"]
Entry (semi-optional)
  • When the shortcode is used in Gravity Forms Confirmations or Notifications this attribute can be omitted (as we already know which entry is being processed).
  • If you want to use the shortcode outside of Gravity Forms you need to use this attribute and include the appropriate entry ID.
  • You can also set the entry ID via a URL parameters (the "query string") and omit this attribute. If the entry or lid URL parameter exist, its value will be used to lookup the entry (see Page Confirmation for more details).
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" entry="250"] or [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945"] with a URL like
Raw (optional)
  • Instead of generating a link to the PDF, when the raw attribute is enabled a URL will be displayed.
  • Example: [gravitypdf id="560f2ef799945" raw="1"]

Common Problem

If the [gravitypdf] shortcode doesn't display a link to the PDF, an error likely occurred. To verify this, enable Debug Mode in the Global PDF Settings and test again using an Administrator WordPress account. An error message will be displayed on the screen where the shortcode has been rendered and provide more information about why nothing was displayed.

Merge Tag

Gravity Forms merge tags are placeholders that are replaced with dynamic information in notification emails, confirmation pages, PDFs, and more. Take a look at the Gravity Forms documentation to get a better understanding of them.

Using the Merge Tag

Gravity PDF Merge Tags are included in the merge tag selector automatically

When you've PDFs configured on a form, Gravity PDF merge tags are automatically included in the merge tag selector on the form settings pages. The merge tag selector is a button denoted by {..}. When selected, a list will be displayed with merge tags you can insert into the current setting. You'll find the available PDFs listed under the Custom heading at the bottom and prefixed with the text "PDF:".

Unlike the shortcode, the merge tags are converted to a URL only (akin to using the raw shortcode attribute). The benefit over shortcodes is they can be placed inside HTML attributes <a href="{Label:pdf:6063bd0362dda}">...</a>, and can be used anywhere Gravity Forms supports merge tags in general.

Building the Merge Tag

While the basic PDF merge tag is available in the selector, it's useful to know what each parameter is, and what modifiers are available to change the functionality.

Usage / Structure

{[label]:pdf:[id]} --> {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda}

{:pdf:[id]} --> {:pdf:6063bd0362dda}

{[label]:pdf:[id]:[modifier]} --> {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:download}
  • [label] (optional): A user-define name used for readability. When using the merge tags selector the PDF Label will be used.
  • :pdf: (required): A static identifier used to determine this tag is for Gravity PDF
  • [id] (required): A dynamic identifier assigned to a particular form's PDF. The easiest way to get the ID is to use the merge tag selector. However, you can find a PDF's ID in the URL when updating the PDF settings. This is denoted by the pid parameter.
  • [modifier] (optional): Optional parameters that change the way the URL is generated (see below)

Available Modifiers

All modifiers are optional, and should be included after the [id]. They are also stackable – in any order – by separating each modifier with a :.

  • Generates a URL that forces the PDF to be downloaded, instead of being viewed directly in the browser.
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:download}
  • Generates a URL that forces the print dialog box to open when the PDF is viewed
  • Support for this functionality is very much PDF viewer dependant. Adobe Reader / Adobe Acrobat natively supports this functionality by default (but it can be disabled by the user). Firefox's PDF viewer will also open the print dialog automatically, but Safari, Edge, and Chrome PDF viewers do not.
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:print}
  • Generate a secure PDF URL that auto-expires after a set period. Anyone with access to the signed link can view the PDF (regardless of their user privileges, if any), provided the link hasn't expired.
  • Signed PDF URLs is an alternative authentication method to the default IP-based authentication. It functions correctly even if you've disabled IP addresses using Gravity Forms Personal Data feature.
  • You can pass an optional expiration value (separated by a comma ,) which changes the default signed URL timeout period. Valid formats can be found in the PHP documentation.
  • If no expiration value is included, the signed URL will fallback to the global Logged Out Timeout setting (20-minutes by default).
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:signed}
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:signed,5 minutes}
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:signed,7 days}
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:signed,2 weeks}
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:signed,1 month}
Multiple Modifiers

Include multiple modifiers (in any order):

  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:signed:download}
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:signed:print:download}
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:print:signed,5 minutes}
  • Example: {Report:pdf:6063bd0362dda:download:print:signed,2 weeks}

Common Problems

If a URL isn't displayed when the PDF merge tag is processed it's likely the PDF doesn't exist for the current form, it has been deactivated, or the conditional logic doesn't pass. To determine the exact reason it wasn't generated, enable Gravity Forms logging and then replicate the issue. In the Gravity PDF log file search for PDF Merge tag is not valid and review the logged information.

PDF ID Invalid

2021-04-01 04:29:59 (+00:00) - ERROR --> PDF Mergetag is not valid
|--> {"error":"You must pass in a valid PDF ID","tag":["{Zadani:pdf:6048493b8acce1}","6048493b8acce1",""]}

In the sample log, the merge tag wasn't displayed because the PDF cannot be found in the current form (denoted by the error message). Verify the PDF exists from the form PDF list page. Then use the merge tag selector to update the merge tag.

PDF Not Active

2021-04-01 04:26:33 (+00:00) - ERROR --> PDF Mergetag is not valid
|--> {"error":"PDF is not currently active","tag":["{Zadani:pdf:6048493b8acce}","6048493b8acce",""]}

In the sample log, the merge tag wasn't displayed because the PDF is not currently active (denoted by the error message). To fix, go to the form PDF list page and reactivate.

Conditional logic did not pass

2021-04-01 04:31:53 (+00:00) - ERROR --> PDF Mergetag is not valid
|--> {"error":"Conditional logic did not pass","tag":["{Zadani:pdf:6048493b8acce}","6048493b8acce",""]}

In the sample log, the merge tag wasn't displayed because the current entry being processed did not pass the PDF's conditional logic (denoted by the error message). Provided your conditional logic is correct, this may not be a problem at all. Double check the PDF Conditional Logic setting.