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Version: 5



By default, the PDF working directory is found in your /wp-content/uploads/PDF_EXTENDED_TEMPLATES folder. For multisite installations we also create a subdirectory inside the PDF_EXTENDED_TEMPLATES folder using each multisite's ID. This filter allows you to change that location (but you'll normally want to use the gfpdf_template_location filter instead).

The multisite working directory MUST be in a publicly accessible folder (accessed via a URL) and MUST be used in conjunction with the gfpdf_multisite_template_location_uri filter. Both the gfpdf_multisite_template_location and gfpdf_multisite_template_location_uri filters should point to the same directory – one is the path and one is the URL.

Note: your web server needs write access to the folder you move the working directory to.

You can also use this filter by targeting the multisite ID directly: gfpdf_multisite_template_location_$blog_id.


$directory | string

$working_folder | string

  • The working directory folder name. By default this is PDF_EXTENDED_TEMPLATES.

$upload_path | string

  • The path to your uploads directory (where the PDF working directory is stored by default).

$blog_id | integer

  • The current ID of the multisite being processed


The following snippet shows you how you can move the multisite PDF working directory for site #3 to your wp-content directory (instead of its original location in your uploads folder):

add_filter( 'gfpdf_multisite_template_location', function( $directory, $working_folder, $upload_path, $blog_id ) {
if ( 3 == $blog_id ) {
/* Make sure you include the forward slash! */
return WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/' . $working_folder . '/';

return $directory;
}, 10, 4 );

* You must use the `gfpdf_multisite_template_location` filter in conjunction with the `gfpdf_multisite_template_location_uri` filter
* Both filters should point to the same directory (one is the path and one is the URL)
add_filter( 'gfpdf_template_location_uri', function( $url, $working_folder, $upload_url, $blog_id ) {
if ( 3 == $blog_id ) {
/* Make sure you include the forward slash! */
return WP_CONTENT_URL . '/' . $working_folder . '/';

return $url;
}, 10, 4 );

Source Code

This filter is located in the Model_Install::setup_multisite_template_location() method of /src/model/Model_Install.php.